Thursday, May 9, 2013

Why is it Important to Exercise while losing weight?

Believe it or not Exercise is an important part in maintaining overall health and fitness for both you and your body and your mind.

Your Scale Weight can be manipulated through diet alone, for ideal results you want to be looking at achieving a healthy balance between:

  • Muscle
  • Fat
But this can only be attained through regular Exercise.

As I know and many qualified trainers will tell you, many people don't understand, however, is the importance of mixing:

  • Cardio or Aerobic exercise
  • Weight Lifting
Aerobic - means '' with oxygen '' so when you exercise aerobically there is adequate supply of oxygen available to create the energy needed for muscles to function.

Aerobic Exercise involves large muscle groups that can be exercised in a rhythmic and continuous manner.
For example:

  • Walking
  • Running (a lot of people hate this)
  • Cycling
  • Rowing
  • Cross Country Skiing
A few benefits for Exercise
  • Burns up Calories
  • Speeds up the metabolism
  • Release of Endorphines
  • Using Muscles- Fibres become smaller
  • Exercise can reduce your risk of Heart Attack and Stroke
  • You are more likely to have joint pain or lower back pain if you don't do any exercise
  • Exercise helps you feel happier
The last one on the list is always good.

Whats Stopping YOU? 

Get Started!

The average adult needs to do at least 30 minutes of moderate exercise a day, on five or more days a week to gain the health benefits.

Seems a lot!

But you don't need to spend hours at the gym or run marathons its not what were saying here. Were not even saying you have to do the full 30 minutes in one go, you could do:

  • 2 x 15 minute bouts
  • 3 x 10 minute bouts
just to reach the minimum of 30 minutes a day, this can also be as effective as lengthier sessions. If your just beginning then this could be more of a manageable starting point.

Sustain an exercise habit- the easiest way is to incorporate it into your daily routine.
Simple things like:

  • Cycle or Walk to work instead of the bus / car this may not be possible so get off a stop early or park a street away (no excuses)
  • Use stairs instead of the lift- again if your on the top floor of a 25 floor building or more jump off a few floors below (no excuses)
  • Spend more time Gardening or Walking in the park
All these simple things can help increase your energy output.

I know sometimes it can be hard to motivate yourself to be more physically active and it can feel like a chore.

  • Start by changing the way you think about regular exercise
  • Remind yourself that it will make you feel better (it might not seem it at the time but gradually you'll notice it and others will to)
  • It will probably improve the quality and length of your life
  • Most importantly it can be FUN

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

How does ACE work?

ACE works 3 different ways:

1. It breaks up the fat caked to the inside of your internal organs, but it needs the help of you drinking water to flush that excess fat out. That's why drinking water is so important! That & to keep your cells extra hydrated as they are working harder to burn fat so they need more hydration.

2. ACE reduces your appetite so you don't over-eat. Less food going into your body in the 1st place means there's less of it in there to turn into fat. However, just because you won't feel as hungry doesn't mean you should just not eat at all. Adults need to consume at least 1200 calories each day to give their body enough energy to perform all it's necessary functions properly.

3. (This sets ACE apart from everything else on the market) ACE uses natural materials (that it's made up of) to boost your metabolism so you are in high fat burning mode all day long. Your body is burning more calories than it normally would on it's own.

**Not over-eating + rapid burning of the food calories you do consume + smooth, natural-feeling energy to make you want to get up & move more = a very effective weight loss system :-)