Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Treat yourself to ACE this Halloween!

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Top 10 Reasons We Need To Drink Water!

Clark Bartram takes us  through his top ten reasons we need to drink  water and the top ten  reasons to consume water instead of soda. 

  • Top 10 Reasons We Need To Drink Water!
  1. Water   is the substance of life. Life can not exist without water. We must   constantly be adding fresh water to our body in order to keep it   properly hydrated. Water can be a miracle cure for many common ailments   such as headaches, fatigue, joint pain, and much more. We can go for   weeks without food, but only 3 days without water!

  2. The   body is comprised of 80% water. Water makes up nearly 85 percent of your   brain, about 80 percent of your blood and about 70 percent of your  lean  muscle. (Because there are a lot of tissues that have less water,  the  average is about 50 percent.).

  3. It is difficult for  the  body to get water from any other source than water itself. Soft  drinks  and alcohol steal tremendous amounts of water from the body.  Other  beverages such as coffee and tea are diuretics therefore stealing   precious water from the body.

  4. Water plays a vital role   in nearly every bodily function. Lack of water is the #1 trigger of   daytime fatigue. A mere 2% drop in body water can trigger fuzzy   short-term memory, trouble with basic math, and difficulty focusing on   the computer screen or on a printed page.

  5. Water is   essential for proper digestion, nutrient absorption and chemical   reactions. The carbohydrates and proteins that our bodies use as food   are metabolized and transported by water in the bloodstream. No less   important is the ability of water to transport waste material out of our   bodies.

  6. Water is essential for proper circulation in   the body. The levels of oxygen in the bloodstream are greater when the   body is well hydrated. The more oxygen the body has readily available   the more fat it will burn for energy without the presence of oxygen the   body cannot utilize stored fat for energy efficiently. Not only will  the  body burn more fat when well hydrated but because there are  increased  oxygen levels you will also have more energy.

  7. Water   helps remove toxins from the body, in particular from the digestive   tract. Water suppresses the appetite naturally and helps the body   metabolize stored fat. Studies have shown that a decrease in water   intake will cause fat deposits to increase, while an increase in water   intake can actually reduce fat deposits.
    In 37% of Americans, the   thirst mechanism is so weak that it is often mistaken for hunger. One   glass of water shut down midnight hunger pangs for almost 100% of the   dieters studied in a University of Washington study.

  8. Water   regulates the body's cooling system. Sports drinks are useful when   consumed after or during vigorous and prolonged exercise in high heat.   But most experts agree that water works better than carbohydrates or   sugared beverages for moderate exercise. For instance, if you drink 12   ounces of plain water, your body will absorb 8 ounces of it within 15   minutes.
    If you drink 12 ounces of a 10% sugar solution, less than 1   ounce will be absorbed in the same period. The typical soft drink is a   10 to 12% sugar solution.

  9. Consistent failure to   drink enough water can lead to Chronic Cellular Dehydration. This   condition where the body's cell are never quite hydrated enough leave   them in a weakened state, vulnerable to attack from disease. It weakens   the body's overall immune system and leads to chemical, nutritional and   pH imbalances that can cause a host of diseases.

  10. Dehydration   can occur at any time of the year, not only during the summer months   when it is hot. The dryness that occurs during winter can dehydrate the   body even quicker than when it is hot. When you are dehydrated you tend   to eat more.
General Rule: Due  to the  fact that every body is different, the rule we often hear about   drinking 8-8oz. of water per day can be misleading. We need to drink   half our body weight in ounces of water every day to provide the body   with its MINIMUM water replacement requirements. Triple the intake for   better results.

Top 10 Reasons To Consume Water Instead Of Soft Drinks!
  1. Soft   drinks steal water from the body. They work very much like a diuretic   which takes away more water than it provides to the body. Just to   process the high levels of sugar in soft drinks steals a considerable   amount of water from the body.
    To replace the water stolen by soft   drinks, you need to drink 8-12 glasses of water for every one glass of   soft drinks that you consume!

  2. Soft Drinks never   quench your thirst, certainly not your body's need for water. Constantly   denying your body an adequate amount can lead to Chronic Cellular   Dehydration, a condition that weakens your body at the cellular level.   This, in turn, can lead to a weakened immune system and a plethora of   diseases.

  3. The elevated levels of phosphates in soft   drinks leach vital minerals from your body. Soft Drinks are made with   purified water that also leach vital minerals from your body. A severe   lack of minerals can lead to Heart Disease (lack of magnesium),   Osteoporosis (lack of calcium) and many other diseases. Most vitamins   can not perform their function in the body without the presence of   minerals.

  4. Soft Drinks can remove rust from a car bumper   or other metal surfaces. Imagine what it's doing to your digestive  tract  as well as the rest of your body.

  5. The high  amounts of  sugar in Soft Drinks causes your pancreas to produce an  abundance of  insulin, which leads to a "sugar crash". Chronic elevation  and depletion  of sugar and insulin can lead to diabetes and other  imbalance related  diseases. This is particularly disruptive to growing  children which can  lead to life-long health problems.

  6. Soft  Drinks severely  interfere with digestion. Caffeine and high amounts of  sugar virtually  shut down the digestive process. That means your body  is essentially  taking in NO nutrients from the food you may have just  eaten, even that  eaten hours earlier.
    Consumed with french-fries which can take WEEKS to digest, there is arguably nothing worse a person can put in their body.

  7. Diet   soft drinks contain Aspartame, which has been linked to depression,   insomnia, neurological disease and a plethora of other illness. The FDA   has received more than 10,000 consumer complaints about Aspartame,   that's 80% of all complaints about food additives.

  8. Soft   Drinks are EXTREMELY acidic, so much so that they can eat through the   liner of an aluminum can and leach aluminum from the can if it sits on   the shelf too long. Alzheimer patients who have been autopsied ALL have   high levels of aluminum in their brains. Heavy metals in the body can   lead to many neurological and other diseases.

  9. Soft   Drinks are EXTREMELY acidic: The human body naturally exists at a pH of   about 7.0. Soft Drinks have a pH of about 2.5, which means you are   putting something into your body that is hundred of thousands of times   more acidic that your body is!
    Diseases flourish in an acidic   environment. Soft Drinks and other acidic food deposit acid waste in the   body which accumulates over time in the joints and around the organs.
    For example, the Body pH of cancer or arthritis patients are always low. The sicker the person, the lower the Body pH.

  10. Soft   Drinks are the WORSE THING you can possibly put in your body. Don't   even think of taking a sip of a Soft Drink when you are sick with a   cold, flu or something worse. It will only make it that much harder for   your body to fight the illness.

Saturday, October 27, 2012

If she can, why can't you?

I have always tried to look at life like a game off Rook. It is how you play this game of life that determines the outcome that you get!
In the last few years I have seen more of my classmates from high school around town, at work, etc and some look the same as in school others that used to be tiny has really packed on the weight, and of course a few that was bigger (as in not tiny, but not huge by any means) have really slimmed down. I find it odd that the ones that was tiny in school are just as snooty as in school yet they act like they are better cause they think they are still small. The ones that have slimmed down and look great of course I had to ask how they have did it. One said she just doesn't eat sugar, I suppose that means she doesn't eat anything that she used to put sugar in or any sweets either. Another just said she counts her calories daily and exercises.
I took the advice of counting calories and exercising and did not really see any change. It was weird since I would eat the same amount of calories, no sweets and few carbs too, and still would lose one week and gain the next. It made no sense to me. When I started taking ACE I noticed I was losing lbs and inches both and have yet to see any of it back the next week. Keep in mind I am eating the same way now that I was for the year before starting ACE that gave me no results. So why would it be that it has changed now??

ACE is a capsule that you take 6 out of 7 days a week for weight loss. If you are only seeking the energy boost you would either take it on days you need the energy boost or 7 days a week. ACE is all natural, it gives you a clean boost of energy, curbs your appetite, and helps speed up you metabolism.
The boost of energy is considered clean, because it does not give you the racing heart or jitters like with energy drinks. ACE curbs your appetite so that you are not craving food all day. For me I am not as hungry, I still eat what I want. I just honestly don't want junk food, I want better tasting food, an actual meal. You do want to make sure you eat every 4-5 hours or so, because your body needs food for energy. It also speeds up your metabolism, so what you eat will not be turned to stored fat instead it turns to energy to fuel your body's needs, You only take ACE 6 days a week so that your body is learning to speed up your metabolism up on its own.

Friday, October 26, 2012

The best things in life ARE worth the wait!

Don't settle for less then YOU deserve!

ACE diet supplements

Ace diet supplements contain natural herbs that help speed up the weight loss process. They contain natural ingredients such as cocoa and caffeine. Together these ingredients help a person have more energy and the ability to engage in strenuous workouts on a daily basis.

One of the main benefits of the ace supplement is that it helps reduce the amount of food a person consumes. A person will feel hungry less often after taking an ace supplement. An ace diet supplement also helps a person curb his or her cravings. If a person has a tendency to crave certain foods, then an ace diet supplement will help a person to get rid of the tendency to crave these foods. Users of this diet supplement often report that they have a reduced craving for carbohydrates as a result of consumption.

By reducing the amount of carbs that a person consumes in a given day, he or she can easily start shedding the pounds. Eating carbohydrates is one of the worst ways that people start to gain weight. Carbs are like useless bits of fat that add up in a person’s caloric intake for the day. They do not convert to useful energy that can be easily burned off, which is why dietitians recommend swearing off carbs during a diet program.

After you steadily consume ace supplements for a few weeks, you will notice that you feel healthier and more alive. You will feel lighter and appreciate your confidence and new slim body.

Loving your Body

When ever I get in a rut I read this :)

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Life in the Fast Lane

It seems like today has flown by. Loved the day off work, but just seems like there is always so much to do in such a small amount of time.
Had a doctor appointment today for my feet. I found out in 08 that I have spurs in the arch of my feet, it does make it painful being on my feet for long periods of time, but I have to work. I have to support Kenna and I. A few months back I started working in a local gas station, granted its not the greatest job, but its better then nothing. Huge pay difference then what I was making at the factory, but with how this economy is its a paycheck. Anyways, my Dr is going to be in contact with my insurance trying to see if they cover a custom night splint for me to wear, she says that this will help with my feet feeling frozen or locked. Ever watched Forrest Gump? Do you remember how when he was young and the boys in the truck was picking on him and she says to "Run Forrest, Run!" Well seeing the braces break off his legs, well that is about how it feels for me when I walk (not all of the time, but more then it should be).
We got a little shopping in while we was out running errands and going to the Dr. I have already started my Christmas shopping, only have a few things I want to get for Kenna still. Everything else is either stored away or should be delivered any day now. Kenna loves Minnie Mouse so I am debating on getting her a Minnie Mouse bike (which is like $70) or if I can find a reasonably priced stuffed Minnie Mouse and a cheaper bike (bike is $40 at Wal-Mart). I figured out the hard way to bargain hunt, not that I didn't hunt for bargains when I had a better paying job, just that its hard to live on a minimum wage job and when I get sells versus having a good paying job.
We usually go to my parents daily, unless we are sick. Today we went to Mom and Dads, we got a little riding in. Kenna loves to go riding, doesn't matter where we go so long as she can go she doesn't care. She loves to get to see the cattle, horses, deer, and turkeys. The deer has to be her favorite!
I try to take a walk a few days a week for 30 mins to an hr, I was walking 5-7 days a week before I started working. With being on my feet for so long at work it is just to rough until I can get the pain to go away in my feet. So since I started working I have been doing some strength toning daily if I can but at least 3-5 days a week. I try to do 150-200 crunches and leg lifts, also using weights to strengthen my arms since I have noticed they look rather 'flabby' looking. I do my exercises in the mornings before breakfast, so that I feel refreshed and ready to start my day. This morning though we didn't really get in breakfast since I had to be at the Dr so early. Well it was 10:30 so yeah that may not be early to most, but for us we are usually up by 8 or 9 each day, but seldom leave the house before 1-2 PM. I noticed when I started work that if we leave earlier then that Kenna will throw a fit saying "NO Work Mommy! No Go!" Only reason I got her out of the house this morning is cause she knows we was going to go shopping and she could get a toy.  I did get Kenna some grapes and strawberries in her travel bowl for her breakfast, then I fixed me a shake with Vanilla ToppFast. I used fresh strawberries (only a few though Kenna loves her stawys), Pineapple juice, ice, and Vanilla ToppFast. Blended it in and ran out the door.  I have a time keeping my shakes from Kenna though, she says they are her juice. I am going to have to start making her shakes to, maybe then I will get to drink my own. LOL with her probably not though!

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

All Natural ACE

Ace diet supplements contain natural herbs that help speed up the weight loss process. They contain natural ingredients such as cocoa and caffeine. Together these ingredients help a person have more energy and the ability to engage in strenuous workouts on a daily basis.

One of the main benefits of the ace supplement is that it helps reduce the amount of food a person consumes. A person will feel hungry less often after taking an ace supplement. An ace diet supplement also helps a person curb his or her cravings. If a person has a tendency to crave certain foods, then an ace diet supplement will help a person to get rid of the tendency to crave these foods. Users of this diet supplement often report that they have a reduced craving for carbohydrates as a result of consumption.

By reducing the amount of carbs that a person consumes in a given day, he or she can easily start shedding the pounds. Eating carbohydrates is one of the worst ways that people start to gain weight. Carbs are like useless bits of fat that add up in a person’s caloric intake for the day. They do not convert to useful energy that can be easily burned off, which is why dietitians recommend swearing off carbs during a diet program.

After you steadily consume ace supplements for a few weeks, you will notice that you feel healthier and more alive. You will feel lighter and appreciate your confidence and new slim body.

Yummy lunch before work!

We had a late lunch today, decided on a tasty Chicken Teriyaki Sub from Subway. We 
always get it with American cheese, tomatoes, cucumbers, and light mayo on wheat, Kenna
loves having pickles to.
I had always heard before trying ACE that you could eat what ever you wanted, I always 
figured they was crazy for thinking there was no actual diet to it. It is TRUE! I literally eat 
what I want when I want it. Honestly though I am not hungry often. With ACE it curbs my 
appetite and speeds up my metabolism. So when I do eat (which is whatever I want) it 
turns it to energy instead of stored fat. Another cool thing about ACE I only take it 6 days a 
week, it is actually training my body to speed up my metabolism on its own. Pretty cool 

My story!

I have been over weight most of my life, as an adult my smallest was around 215. For me that was small. When I had my daughter I neared 300 and lets just say that was the scariest thing for me know I had let myself go that far. I knew I need to do something about it after having her, but taking care of a newborn as a single mom gave me little time to take care of myself. After having her I managed to loose around 50 lbs without trying within 6 weeks but as time passed I was in such a rush I went back to eating unhealthy foods again. I gained 15 lbs back in a year and half. Could have been worse I know, at 265 lbs its hard to keep up with a growing little one. In April I decided I was in control of my life! I want to be here when my daughter needs me! I want to see my baby girl go to school, I want to help her with homework, be here when she needs a friend, be here for her when she has her first heart break, her first date, go to prom, get married, have her own little ones...I am going to take Control of my Life!! I am going to fight the bulge and get healthy!! 
After trying to do the same diet I was on when I was pregnant with my little Kenna which was for Gestational Diabetes for about 2 months, I was seeing little results. Well not fast enough I suppose. I would loose a lb one week and gain 2 the next week. I seen posts on Facebook about ACE, I watched several pages for a few weeks. It wasn't until I seen 2 local girls was taking it and had posted pictures of their weight loss before I even considered trying it. I had just figured that it wouldn't work for me either, I had tried Stackers when I worked in the factory a few years before. Although I never saw weight loss while taking Stackers I sure had the energy, along with the racing heart and would get sick if I sat still for more then a few minutes at a time or if I didn't eat when I took it.   
After seeing these girls pictures and seeing that not only was there lbs lost, but I could see a major difference in how they looked overall, I decided to give it a try. What was the worst it could do to me, ya know?? Other then being out money what did I have to loose other then the unwanted lbs I didn't want to hold on to??
I ordered a bottle of ACE since to me it made more since to save on shipping cost and get a good grasp of how well it was really going to work for me. Got my bottle and started taking ACE June 12th 2012. That first day I took it I had a different feeling. It wasn't a bad feeling, more like butterfly's in my stomach kinda of feeling. My heart was racing, I didn't feel sick if I sat down, and didn't even have to eat something with it. I thought "hmm this might actually be ok! Lets see what the day has in store for me" By the end of the day I had did more and felt better then I had in years. By day 2 I could really feel the energy difference and knew that I liked how I felt. At the end of the first week I noticed I had lost 7 lbs, I was so dang excited! I had never did that in my life! 
Within 7 weeks of taking ACE I had lost 16 lbs and was down 20 inches. 

I had started walking more then just a day or so a week to walking 3-5 days a week for about 30 minutes to an hr each walk. 
I went from needing a nap daily just to even think about keeping up with Kenna to not napping and having so much energy that I could keep up with Kenna. 

By 10 weeks on ACE I had lost a total of 24 lbs and over 28 inches!! How awesome is that! I hadn't changed anything yet as far as food either, I just wasn't near as hungry so when I got out to eat what I would normally eat before I couldn't eat but half of it. 

So far I have been taking ACE for over 4 months now and even though I still have a long ways to get to my goal weight which is 190 I am getting there! I will get there! I know that it is easier to get it on then it is to get it off though, but with the help of ACE I WILL GET IT OFF AND CONTINUE TO CONTROL MY LIFE!