Thursday, October 25, 2012

Life in the Fast Lane

It seems like today has flown by. Loved the day off work, but just seems like there is always so much to do in such a small amount of time.
Had a doctor appointment today for my feet. I found out in 08 that I have spurs in the arch of my feet, it does make it painful being on my feet for long periods of time, but I have to work. I have to support Kenna and I. A few months back I started working in a local gas station, granted its not the greatest job, but its better then nothing. Huge pay difference then what I was making at the factory, but with how this economy is its a paycheck. Anyways, my Dr is going to be in contact with my insurance trying to see if they cover a custom night splint for me to wear, she says that this will help with my feet feeling frozen or locked. Ever watched Forrest Gump? Do you remember how when he was young and the boys in the truck was picking on him and she says to "Run Forrest, Run!" Well seeing the braces break off his legs, well that is about how it feels for me when I walk (not all of the time, but more then it should be).
We got a little shopping in while we was out running errands and going to the Dr. I have already started my Christmas shopping, only have a few things I want to get for Kenna still. Everything else is either stored away or should be delivered any day now. Kenna loves Minnie Mouse so I am debating on getting her a Minnie Mouse bike (which is like $70) or if I can find a reasonably priced stuffed Minnie Mouse and a cheaper bike (bike is $40 at Wal-Mart). I figured out the hard way to bargain hunt, not that I didn't hunt for bargains when I had a better paying job, just that its hard to live on a minimum wage job and when I get sells versus having a good paying job.
We usually go to my parents daily, unless we are sick. Today we went to Mom and Dads, we got a little riding in. Kenna loves to go riding, doesn't matter where we go so long as she can go she doesn't care. She loves to get to see the cattle, horses, deer, and turkeys. The deer has to be her favorite!
I try to take a walk a few days a week for 30 mins to an hr, I was walking 5-7 days a week before I started working. With being on my feet for so long at work it is just to rough until I can get the pain to go away in my feet. So since I started working I have been doing some strength toning daily if I can but at least 3-5 days a week. I try to do 150-200 crunches and leg lifts, also using weights to strengthen my arms since I have noticed they look rather 'flabby' looking. I do my exercises in the mornings before breakfast, so that I feel refreshed and ready to start my day. This morning though we didn't really get in breakfast since I had to be at the Dr so early. Well it was 10:30 so yeah that may not be early to most, but for us we are usually up by 8 or 9 each day, but seldom leave the house before 1-2 PM. I noticed when I started work that if we leave earlier then that Kenna will throw a fit saying "NO Work Mommy! No Go!" Only reason I got her out of the house this morning is cause she knows we was going to go shopping and she could get a toy.  I did get Kenna some grapes and strawberries in her travel bowl for her breakfast, then I fixed me a shake with Vanilla ToppFast. I used fresh strawberries (only a few though Kenna loves her stawys), Pineapple juice, ice, and Vanilla ToppFast. Blended it in and ran out the door.  I have a time keeping my shakes from Kenna though, she says they are her juice. I am going to have to start making her shakes to, maybe then I will get to drink my own. LOL with her probably not though!

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