Wednesday, October 24, 2012

My story!

I have been over weight most of my life, as an adult my smallest was around 215. For me that was small. When I had my daughter I neared 300 and lets just say that was the scariest thing for me know I had let myself go that far. I knew I need to do something about it after having her, but taking care of a newborn as a single mom gave me little time to take care of myself. After having her I managed to loose around 50 lbs without trying within 6 weeks but as time passed I was in such a rush I went back to eating unhealthy foods again. I gained 15 lbs back in a year and half. Could have been worse I know, at 265 lbs its hard to keep up with a growing little one. In April I decided I was in control of my life! I want to be here when my daughter needs me! I want to see my baby girl go to school, I want to help her with homework, be here when she needs a friend, be here for her when she has her first heart break, her first date, go to prom, get married, have her own little ones...I am going to take Control of my Life!! I am going to fight the bulge and get healthy!! 
After trying to do the same diet I was on when I was pregnant with my little Kenna which was for Gestational Diabetes for about 2 months, I was seeing little results. Well not fast enough I suppose. I would loose a lb one week and gain 2 the next week. I seen posts on Facebook about ACE, I watched several pages for a few weeks. It wasn't until I seen 2 local girls was taking it and had posted pictures of their weight loss before I even considered trying it. I had just figured that it wouldn't work for me either, I had tried Stackers when I worked in the factory a few years before. Although I never saw weight loss while taking Stackers I sure had the energy, along with the racing heart and would get sick if I sat still for more then a few minutes at a time or if I didn't eat when I took it.   
After seeing these girls pictures and seeing that not only was there lbs lost, but I could see a major difference in how they looked overall, I decided to give it a try. What was the worst it could do to me, ya know?? Other then being out money what did I have to loose other then the unwanted lbs I didn't want to hold on to??
I ordered a bottle of ACE since to me it made more since to save on shipping cost and get a good grasp of how well it was really going to work for me. Got my bottle and started taking ACE June 12th 2012. That first day I took it I had a different feeling. It wasn't a bad feeling, more like butterfly's in my stomach kinda of feeling. My heart was racing, I didn't feel sick if I sat down, and didn't even have to eat something with it. I thought "hmm this might actually be ok! Lets see what the day has in store for me" By the end of the day I had did more and felt better then I had in years. By day 2 I could really feel the energy difference and knew that I liked how I felt. At the end of the first week I noticed I had lost 7 lbs, I was so dang excited! I had never did that in my life! 
Within 7 weeks of taking ACE I had lost 16 lbs and was down 20 inches. 

I had started walking more then just a day or so a week to walking 3-5 days a week for about 30 minutes to an hr each walk. 
I went from needing a nap daily just to even think about keeping up with Kenna to not napping and having so much energy that I could keep up with Kenna. 

By 10 weeks on ACE I had lost a total of 24 lbs and over 28 inches!! How awesome is that! I hadn't changed anything yet as far as food either, I just wasn't near as hungry so when I got out to eat what I would normally eat before I couldn't eat but half of it. 

So far I have been taking ACE for over 4 months now and even though I still have a long ways to get to my goal weight which is 190 I am getting there! I will get there! I know that it is easier to get it on then it is to get it off though, but with the help of ACE I WILL GET IT OFF AND CONTINUE TO CONTROL MY LIFE! 

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