Happy Saturday Everyone! I hope you are having a great weekend! Today is our lazy Saturday, I am off work today so Kenna and I decided to sleep in this morning. Kenna has been a bit under the weather so we have spent most days this week curled up on the couch watching movies, she loves to see Santa. I have a feeling this year will be an exciting Christmas around our house. We got some snow from Hurricane Sandy earlier in the week and ever since we have been in the Holiday spirit. If it wasn't so early we would most likely already have the tree up and decorated, but for now I am trying to hold off on the tree decorations.
Even though she has not been feeling so great I did manage to get in a quick 30 minute workout, before she woke up this morning. For breakfast we had fresh strawberries and blueberries. Blueberries are a great source of vitamin but also helps with infections. Thankfully after eating her favorite breakfast and a few hours of cuddle time Kenna is feeling better.

I always keep fresh food in the house, I seldom even buy the frozen meals anymore. It seems that several of the meals that I have gotten in the past usually hurt Kenna's tummy. We live on my parents farm in eastern KY, which is a hoot for Kenna. She loves to be able to see the turkey's, deer, and cattle. When it is not to cold outside we go get the mail, well the nuts have fallen from the tree between the house and our mailbox. One day we seen a squirrel gathering nuts, when it spotted us it ran up the tree. Ever since then Kenna has gathered nuts up and put them in piles at the bottom of the tree for the squirrel. I couldn't imagine raising my daughter anywhere else, just not sure I could show her all of the simple things in life that I had learned growing up in the country on a farm in a big city.
So here is my question for those of you that live in a city (not on a farm), how do you go about teaching your children about animals or the "great out doors"? With Kenna I always point out each animals features or something different about that animal so she will remember it better.
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