Tuesday, November 27, 2012


Confidence is beautiful. Look up when you walk, smile at a stranger, speak loud an clear! You are not just a mom, you are a woman and you are beautiful!

Hope you are having a Terrific Tuesday! These winter hours have completely thrown off my schedule. With it being dark around 5:30 each evening it makes for a long night. It does however give me more time to do my workouts at night since Kenna is still staying up as late as she did before, only now she is complaining about how it is cold and can't play outside. I had already planned on getting her a puppy for her birthday (which is not until May), but on Sunday a lady came into the store where I work with puppies. Of course I had to bring them home since I knew how much she would love playing with the puppies, so they became more of an early Christmas present then what I had planned. We have spent most of our time with the puppies, they are currently nameless though. Kenna just calls them puppies, so they may never get a name. They are 8 weeks old, one is a male and the other a female, they are brother and sister. It is entertaining watching them play and Kenna trying to play with them. It is so cute to see her so excited to have a friend, well 2 friends really. If it was up to her we would stay in the garage with the puppies all day long. Of course though with the chill in the air these days that is just not possible. I do plan to get the puppies a crate though, but until I get my next paycheck it is just not possible. So for now I have a box for them to sleep in and we spend several hours in the garage threw out the day letting them out of the box to play and run around.

Just when I thought my little family was complete, we fell in love with the puppies! 

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