Friday, November 16, 2012

Ramblings on life

Seems like as we get older most of what we do is work, sleep, and try to fit in eating and having a life in the middle somewhere. How do you manage your life outside of working?
Before Kenna I worked in a factory full time. It was nothing unusual for me to work 6 or 7 nights a week, yep I was a 3rd shifter and I loved it. My normal day would start around 4 PM each day. I would be up around 4 go to class (yes I was going to school full time too! Was working on a Bachelors in Business Administration degree.), if I did not have class that night I would work on the internet class work I had. My work schedule was 10 PM - 6:40 AM Monday threw Friday, Saturday was 10 PM - whenever we got done, and Sunday's was 8 PM -4:40 AM. After work I would sometimes go to breakfast with coworkers and then go home and go to bed. I loved my job, it was an easy job with great pay. However things never last forever.
Since having Kenna I spent most of my time raising her, trying to find a job, and since struggling with no income I decided to craft. I loved to sew, but with her it was hard to sew as she got bigger she became more clingy which made it extremely difficult to sew on the machine to create my crafts. I began making hairbows for Kenna after buying from a few local girls, I felt like I was wasting my money. I would order hairbows for Kenna's outfits if they bow was even made (which by the way most of the time it was not) if I bought from their games to get bows that was already made the majority of the time my order was messed up. It got tiresome to pay for something but never get it. After hearing from my mom that I could make bows just as pretty or prettier then what I was buying I decided to give it a try. It took a while to get them they way that I liked them best, but after months of practice I finally loved the bows that I made and so did Kenna (as long as she didn't have to wear them for long). I made it so that with my hairbow sales I was having some income for Kenna and I, since she was always needing the basic  items (diapers, wipes, lotion, shampoo, clothes, etc) I made it work best I could with what I had. I have a page on facebook if you are interested in checking it out   and also a store threw Etsy  it is  Please feel free to visit each page! In May I began following a few pages that was advertising ACE on facebook, it took me until June to finally try it though since I was working on limited funds, I was worried that it would only be a waste of money since nothing else I had tried was working. In July a friend of mine posted in a secret group that I am in that she was selling ACE, I began asking questions. After hearing how that if I signed up 4 people with in a certain time (which is the rest of the month you sign up and the following month) I would get a $100 bonus check from the company I knew it would be worth at least trying to sell ACE. I knew that I need the money and loved how I felt taking ACE so how hard could it be to show others this great product. I created a page on facebook for my ACE as well  it is 
With all of this going on I finally found a job close to home. It is not the greatest job, but it is a steady paycheck which is all that matters right now. The adjustment for Kenna staying with my parents is sometimes difficult though, she gets mad and takes longer to get ready if she knows I am going to work and her to Mamaw and Papaws. Not that she doesn't love them just doesn't want Mommy to leave her, I understand it it just makes it hard to leave her knowing how much it hurts her sometimes.
On the way home from work last night I got to thinking, although its a short drive only 15 minutes from work to pick up Kenna then another 5 minutes to home, I was trying to remember what I did for fun before having Kenna? I mean honestly I couldn't think of one thing that I did that I actually had as much fun as I do spending time with my girl! I used to party some, but after thinking about it it just just wasn't even close to the enjoyment I get out of spending my day listening and playing with this silly, happy, exciting 2 year old. I love the eagerness she has to learn and grow each day, I feel like I am the luckiest woman in the world all because she calls me "Momma! Mommy!" If it was not for her what would I be doing now?
I love my life and as I know I have it harder then some and easier then others, I wouldn't change my life for anything! The only thing I hope is that some day I will meet a great guy to share my life with and that he will love life as much as I do!

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