Wednesday, December 5, 2012

How to take ACE

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Weight loss update!

I posted the other day how I have lost 40lbs well here is my pictures. The before picture was May 7th at my daughters 2nd birthday party and I started ACE June 12th, the second picture is today Nov 28th.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012


Confidence is beautiful. Look up when you walk, smile at a stranger, speak loud an clear! You are not just a mom, you are a woman and you are beautiful!

Hope you are having a Terrific Tuesday! These winter hours have completely thrown off my schedule. With it being dark around 5:30 each evening it makes for a long night. It does however give me more time to do my workouts at night since Kenna is still staying up as late as she did before, only now she is complaining about how it is cold and can't play outside. I had already planned on getting her a puppy for her birthday (which is not until May), but on Sunday a lady came into the store where I work with puppies. Of course I had to bring them home since I knew how much she would love playing with the puppies, so they became more of an early Christmas present then what I had planned. We have spent most of our time with the puppies, they are currently nameless though. Kenna just calls them puppies, so they may never get a name. They are 8 weeks old, one is a male and the other a female, they are brother and sister. It is entertaining watching them play and Kenna trying to play with them. It is so cute to see her so excited to have a friend, well 2 friends really. If it was up to her we would stay in the garage with the puppies all day long. Of course though with the chill in the air these days that is just not possible. I do plan to get the puppies a crate though, but until I get my next paycheck it is just not possible. So for now I have a box for them to sleep in and we spend several hours in the garage threw out the day letting them out of the box to play and run around.

Just when I thought my little family was complete, we fell in love with the puppies! 

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Send me an email to order at
Sign up to get wholesale pricing
Sell ACE and make money for the fast approaching holidays!

Monday, November 19, 2012

A little info on ACE

ACE is NOT a "diet" pill, it is a natural Appetite Control & Energy Dietary Supplement.
ACE is for men & women, both have great success with it's use.
ACE is often taken for the energy it provides, even if no weight loss is desired.
ACE is a awesome addition to workouts, strength training and any athletic event.
ACE is natural Herbs, so it is save and yes, it's legal.
ACE will not interfere with a drug screening.
ACE has a natural source of caffeine, and Cocoa plant, this is where Dark Chocolate comes from.
ACE can be taken with any medications, but should be taken at least 1 1/2-2 hours apart.
ACE is safe to take with any illness or condition, if any concerns, take a list of ingredients to your Doctor.
ACE has many health benefits not listed on package insert.
ACE is reported to relieve and help with symptoms or Arthritis, MS, Fibromyalgia, MD, Depression, E.D., and many other ailments.
ACE is very affordable, at just $1.00/capsule it costs less then a soft drink or cup of coffee.
ACE is a all around "feel good" supplement, enlightening the moods and senses.
So what are you waiting for, you wanna feel better don't you? Try it, what have you got to lose?
Get started today and become a FACE of ACE!

Friday, November 16, 2012

Ramblings on life

Seems like as we get older most of what we do is work, sleep, and try to fit in eating and having a life in the middle somewhere. How do you manage your life outside of working?
Before Kenna I worked in a factory full time. It was nothing unusual for me to work 6 or 7 nights a week, yep I was a 3rd shifter and I loved it. My normal day would start around 4 PM each day. I would be up around 4 go to class (yes I was going to school full time too! Was working on a Bachelors in Business Administration degree.), if I did not have class that night I would work on the internet class work I had. My work schedule was 10 PM - 6:40 AM Monday threw Friday, Saturday was 10 PM - whenever we got done, and Sunday's was 8 PM -4:40 AM. After work I would sometimes go to breakfast with coworkers and then go home and go to bed. I loved my job, it was an easy job with great pay. However things never last forever.
Since having Kenna I spent most of my time raising her, trying to find a job, and since struggling with no income I decided to craft. I loved to sew, but with her it was hard to sew as she got bigger she became more clingy which made it extremely difficult to sew on the machine to create my crafts. I began making hairbows for Kenna after buying from a few local girls, I felt like I was wasting my money. I would order hairbows for Kenna's outfits if they bow was even made (which by the way most of the time it was not) if I bought from their games to get bows that was already made the majority of the time my order was messed up. It got tiresome to pay for something but never get it. After hearing from my mom that I could make bows just as pretty or prettier then what I was buying I decided to give it a try. It took a while to get them they way that I liked them best, but after months of practice I finally loved the bows that I made and so did Kenna (as long as she didn't have to wear them for long). I made it so that with my hairbow sales I was having some income for Kenna and I, since she was always needing the basic  items (diapers, wipes, lotion, shampoo, clothes, etc) I made it work best I could with what I had. I have a page on facebook if you are interested in checking it out   and also a store threw Etsy  it is  Please feel free to visit each page! In May I began following a few pages that was advertising ACE on facebook, it took me until June to finally try it though since I was working on limited funds, I was worried that it would only be a waste of money since nothing else I had tried was working. In July a friend of mine posted in a secret group that I am in that she was selling ACE, I began asking questions. After hearing how that if I signed up 4 people with in a certain time (which is the rest of the month you sign up and the following month) I would get a $100 bonus check from the company I knew it would be worth at least trying to sell ACE. I knew that I need the money and loved how I felt taking ACE so how hard could it be to show others this great product. I created a page on facebook for my ACE as well  it is 
With all of this going on I finally found a job close to home. It is not the greatest job, but it is a steady paycheck which is all that matters right now. The adjustment for Kenna staying with my parents is sometimes difficult though, she gets mad and takes longer to get ready if she knows I am going to work and her to Mamaw and Papaws. Not that she doesn't love them just doesn't want Mommy to leave her, I understand it it just makes it hard to leave her knowing how much it hurts her sometimes.
On the way home from work last night I got to thinking, although its a short drive only 15 minutes from work to pick up Kenna then another 5 minutes to home, I was trying to remember what I did for fun before having Kenna? I mean honestly I couldn't think of one thing that I did that I actually had as much fun as I do spending time with my girl! I used to party some, but after thinking about it it just just wasn't even close to the enjoyment I get out of spending my day listening and playing with this silly, happy, exciting 2 year old. I love the eagerness she has to learn and grow each day, I feel like I am the luckiest woman in the world all because she calls me "Momma! Mommy!" If it was not for her what would I be doing now?
I love my life and as I know I have it harder then some and easier then others, I wouldn't change my life for anything! The only thing I hope is that some day I will meet a great guy to share my life with and that he will love life as much as I do!

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Movement Melts Away Stress

Movement Melts Away Stress

As much as it may stress you out just to think about exercising, once you actually start working out, you'll experience less stress in every part of your life.

"Exercise produces a relaxation response that serves as a positive distraction," says Cedric Bryant, chief exercise physiologist for the American Council on Exercise. He says it also helps elevate your mood and keep depression at bay.

You're not the only person who will benefit from more happiness and less stress in your life. When you're less stressed, you're less irritable and that could improve relationships with your partner, kids, and co-workers.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Overweight Children

DID YOU KNOW: Currently, more than one in five children between ages 6 and 17 are overweight.
Children who are overweight or obese can benefit from healthy eating and regular physical activity (exercise). It is important to develop healthy patterns in childhood to prevent weight or health problems later in life. Professional advice from a doctor or dietitian can help your child reach and maintain a healthy weight.
Overweight children can face many difficulties. They may feel different from other children, which can affect their confidence. They can also be subjected to bullying from other children. This may make parents feel worried about their child taking part in everyday activity such as school sports. Unfortunately, this cycle can make weight control more difficult. 
Although health problems are less common in childhood, children who continue to be overweight into adulthood are at greater risk of developing:
* High blood fats and heart disease
* Type 2 diabetes
* High blood pressure
* Stroke
* Joint problems
* Breathing problems
It is rare for a medical condition to cause a child to become overweight, but always check with your doctor if you are concerned. 
How to help your overweight child:
If your child is overweight, it is important to seek the advice of a health professional. Young children should not be on diets that severely limit food intake. You may be advised to make permanent changes to your family’s lifestyle and eating patterns. Everyone at home should be involved in these changes, regardless of body weight, so that no child feels singled out. Making the right changes will protect your children from developing eating and dieting problems later in life.
It may take a number of attempts before children are happy to change their food choices or become more active. This can be frustrating for parents who have their children’s best interests at heart. Don’t give up. Remember to stay positive. Children who are overweight need to know that they are loved and important, regardless of their weight. 
How to make healthy food choices:
A healthy diet is not only the type of food your child eats but also the amount of food they eat. All children should eat regularly, including healthy snacks. 
Good nutrition starts early in life. Wherever possible try to:
*Introduce solids at around six months.
*Encourage a wide variety of nutritious foods. No particular food should be forced or overly restricted.
*Consider using reduced fat dairy products after two years of age.
*Offer mostly cereals, grains and breads, vegetables and fruits with moderate amounts of meat products and dairy foods.
*Use added fats (such as oil, margarine and butter) in small amounts.
*Offer fresh vegetables and fruit instead of processed snack foods.
*Include small amounts of treats such as cakes, chips or takeaway foods occasionally (once or twice per week). Enjoy them as a family.
*Offer children water when they are thirsty. Sweet drinks including juice, cordial and soft drinks are not necessary and can contribute to tooth decay.
Ways to encourage healthy changes to your child’s eating:
Suggestions include:
* Buy, prepare and offer the foods you would like your child to eat. Allow them to choose what and how much of these foods they will eat.
* Keep offering healthy foods even if they are refused at first.
* Include your child’s food choices in the family menu sometimes.
* Act as a role model. Make sure your child sees you eating healthy foods.
* Involve children in simple food preparation such as making a salad.
* Let your child decide if they have had enough, even if food is left on their plate. This encourages children to better understand feelings of hunger and fullness. These habits may help to control appetite and prevent overeating as they grow.
* Encourage slow eating if yours is a family of fast eaters. Put your knife and fork down between mouthfuls. Offer crunchy foods that need lots of chewing.
* Help your child recognize if he or she eats when bored, sad or lonely. Try to suggest another activity to help distract them.
* Try not to punish, reward or cheer your child up with food. It can be tempting to use food this way sometimes, but it establishes an unhealthy relationship with food.
Fun family activity:
An active lifestyle is important for the whole family, regardless of their age or weight. Physical activity helps to build skills, makes you feel better and helps to protect you from many lifestyle diseases. 
Activity should be fun, without focusing only on competition or skills. To keep children active as they get older, they may need help from their parents to include physical activity in the family routine.
Tips to increase everyday activity at home:
Suggestions include:
* Be active together. Let your child see you being active too.
* Encourage lots of free playtime outside.
* Try to use the car less. Walk or cycle to school, the shops or to a friend’s house.
* Help your child find a balance between organised sport, fun activities and individual sports like swimming and dancing.
* Find an activity that your child enjoys and that is fun, readily available, affordable and matches your child’s age and skill level. Ask your child’s physical education teacher, childcare worker, community centre or other parents about options.
* Be supportive and encouraging. Some children feel embarrassed and uncomfortable about their physical skills or appearance.
* Motivate your children to be active – even though it’s not always easy. Remember, if your child gets hot, puffed and sweaty when active, this is generally a good sign that they are working their bodies and getting some benefit from the exercise.
Television and screen viewing:
 Watching too much television is linked closely with overweight in children. When children watch TV, they are not being active. They are also more likely to see food advertisements that encourage them to eat, whether they are hungry or not.
Suggestions include:
* Limit sedentary activity like TV viewing, watching videos, playing personal screen games and using computers. These activities should total no more than two hours a day for children five years and older and, no more than one hour per day for children aged two to five years.
* Avoid eating while the TV is on. This may be a distraction from family time together.
Getting started:
* Start slowly. It is best to manage one or two small changes before moving on to the next change.
* Find out what works for your family – everyone is different. Small setbacks may happen, but try to be patient and reward your child’s effort and progress with treats like books, stickers or special outings. 
Where to get help:
* Your doctor
* School nurse
* Maternal and child health nurse
* Dietitians Association of Australia Tel. 1800 812 942
* Physical education teacher
* Childcare worker
* Local community centre
Things to remember:
* Involve the whole family in healthy eating and activity.
* Encourage active play and sport.
* Limit sedentary activities such as TV, screen games and computers to no more than one hour a day.

5 Ways to Help Your Overweight Child
 From Jennifer R. Scott, former Guide
If your child is overweight, it's important to make small changes that are easy to adjust to rather than take drastic measures. Here are a few ways you can help your child eat healthier and make better choices.
1. Do Not Solely Focus on the Overweight Child
Don't single out the overweight child; instead, create an environment of support and change. Have the whole family eat the same healthful foods and cut back on fast food. Nothing is worse than being forced to eat a diet meal while everyone else at the table enjoys your favorite foods. Rather than providing your overweight child with special food, make the point that everyone is trying something new tonight. Consider keeping serving dishes away from the table and downsizing your dinner plates, two changes that can prevent both kids and adults from overeating.
2. Teach Your Kids About Better Choices, Portion Size and Food Labels
Take your children grocery shopping and talk to them about making smart choices among the many varieties of foods that are available at the store. Make a point to teach your kids how to read food labels and to pay special attention to serving sizes and total number of servings on the packaging of their favorite foods. Let them pick out a new fruit or vegetable to try at least once a week. Better still, let them help you prepare the new food (or watch you do so, if they're still a bit too young) so they can learn healthy cooking techniques that will serve them well in the future.
3. Talk to Your Kids About Emotional Eating and the Sense of Hunger
Many of us tend to give in to emotional eating, and kids may eat in response to feelings such as sadness and anxiety, too. It's important to help your child avoid eating for these reasons because emotional eating is a tough habit to break. Talk to your children about whether or not they're really hungry when they want a snack; you may find they'll admit they're not if asked outright. Discuss why eating as a result of boredom or anxiety isn't a good habit. If your child does eat emotionally, it's even more important that you choose the snacks you keep on hand carefully and limit or eliminate highly-processed, high-calorie foods such as candy, cookies, and snack cakes. Remember, if it's not in the house, your kids can't eat it.
4. Cut Back on Beverages That Provide Empty Calories
Kids drink a lot of empty calories, meaning they drink beverages that provide few if any actual nutrients, but plenty of calories, such as juice, sport drinks, and soda pop. The best way to prevent weight gain from drinking too many calories is to make water the main beverage for the entire family. Most of us don't drink enough water, and even mild dehydration can lead to problems such as headaches or feeling groggy. Besides, drinks such as soda and coffee actually contribute to dehydration. (Tip: Try adding a little fruit juice to some seltzer water when the kids want a special drink.)
5. Trim TV Time
Research has shown that the more TV kids watch, the more likely they are to be overweight. One of the best ways to get your kids to watch less TV is to make sure the family sits down for dinner together with the TV turned off. It's not unusual for kids today to skip meals to watch TV, or even eat while they're playing video games. The family meal will bring everyone closer and provide the opportunity for them to learn by example as they observe your eating habits. Limit everyone's TV time (even your own), and replace it with activities that get the whole family moving or doing something together, such as playing tag or board games.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Who Is Really In Charge

Who Is Really In Charge? by Jim Rohn

Finally, the elections are over. Some of you are certainly very happy and some are probably unhappy with the outcome and that is to be expected. Every four years we Americans participate in this grand experiment called America and we elect a President to lead us. That of course spurs lots of different opinions and positions and people can become emotionally involved with the outcome.

One thing that I always find fascinating in all elections, but especially the presidential elections, are the many promises that candidates make to the electorate. They promise to make the economy better and to make health care more affordable for the masses. They promise to make the taxes better and to create jobs.

As I think about this, I want to challenge you to consider that while a President may have a general effect on your circumstances, they do not have a specific effect on your circumstances. Let me explain: While they may play a role in what direction the stock market goes, they do not have an effect in how an individual stock goes, or in whether or not you can make money in the stock market. So, while we certainly should vote and participate in the process, we must understand that no single person –other than you – will have an effect on what your individual life outcome is.

Let me give you some more examples:

A President may promise a better economy but you determine your economy. They may affect whether the dollar gains strength or loses it, but you determine what your financial position is going to be. The fact is that even in the worst economies, including recessions and depressions, there are those who will continue to thrive and even become extremely wealthy. In the great depression, there were countless people who, because of their individual efforts, became millionaires. So, no matter what the economy is nationally, you can become wealthy in the next four years. You don’t have to wait for anyone.

A President may promise to create jobs, but the only person who is going to create YOUR job is you! You determine whether or not you have a job. The President doesn’t, the economy doesn’t, and the industry doesn’t. No matter how bad things get, there are always those who have good paying jobs. You choose what kind of person you will be, and how valuable you will make yourself to the marketplace and thus, what kind of job you will have. So, no matter what the job situation is nationally, you can have any job you want in the next four years. You don’t have to wait for anyone.

A President may promise to do something about taxes, but no matter what the tax rate is, you can still build your personal wealth. Much of my wealth came to me when we still had extremely exorbitant tax rates. I have often said that if you want to be a millionaire and the tax rate is 50%, then just make two million. You determine how much you will have left after taxes, not the government. If you don’t like what you have left, make more. Now, am I saying we shouldn’t work to lower tax rates? No, but I am saying that we can be in control of our own lives regardless of the tax rate. So, no matter what the tax rate is, you can earn more money in the next four years. You don’t have to wait for anyone.

A President may promise to make your health care available to you but you can make health care available to yourself! It isn’t that people can’t afford it; it is that you can’t afford it. What is the answer to that? The empowering answer is to do what it takes to put yourself in a financial and career situation wherein it doesn’t matter what the cost is, because you can afford it. Again, I am not saying that we shouldn’t work to make health care affordable for people, but when you leave it in the hands of someone else, then you make yourself dependent upon them, rather than becoming independent.

The fact is that you control your life. You control your destiny. You chart your course. Those we elect are not the givers of our financial lives. I sometimes think that many people think that if we can just get the “right” person elected, then their lives will suddenly take a turn for the better. Not true. You determine the outcome of your life.

Fortunes will be made in the next four years, no matter what. Some people will join the ranks of millionaires. That is amazing. The only question you have to ask is whether or not you will be one of them. People with high skills will always be in demand for high paying jobs. People who have a superb product or service to offer will always be in demand.

Did you vote? That’s great – we should as our civic duty. But the most important thing is not whether your candidate won or lost, but what kind of decision you will make about your own life, your own career, and your own financial situation, no matter who is in office.

Do that, and the world is yours for the taking.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Body under construction!

Have you started your change? Are you ready to get a new look? The holidays is right around the corner, I will have my ACE by my side. What will you have to help you get where you want to be in 12 weeks?
Let ACE help you get there!  

This body is under Construction! 

Sunday, November 4, 2012

I can handle those side effects, Can you??

Thanksgiving is right around the corner with only a few weeks away! Have you thought about all those yummy foods yet? How will you stay on a diet when you are surrounded by the smell of your favorite holiday dish?? 

I take ACE for a few reasons the energy, it curbs my appetite, and it boosts my metabolism. I take ACE 6 days a week to get the full effects for helping with my getting Healthy Goal! Taking ACE only 6 days a week gives it time to train my metabolism to speed up on its own without the help of ACE all of the time. When I get to my Healthy Goal I can then only take ACE when I need that boost of Energy to get me threw the day! ACE curbs my appetite so that I don't want to eat or even feel like I need to eat eat all day long. Love that! With the Energy I now have, I can keep up with my growing 2 year old, when before I could have stayed in nap time all day long. I always felt like I was running on fumes no matter what I ate or drank, nothing helped. I love my ACE!! 
Oh did I mention the side effects of ACE?? No, well let me tell you:

Your CLOTHES will FALL OFF! Oh YEAH!! I can handle those side effects, Can you??

Saturday, November 3, 2012

What have you lost?

Seen this online and thought it was a great idea. So far according to this I have lost a mid-size microwave. Are you also working on your weight loss/getting healthy goal? What have you lost? 

Happy Saturday Everyone!

Happy Saturday Everyone! I hope you are having a great weekend! Today is our lazy Saturday, I am off work today so Kenna and I decided to sleep in this morning. Kenna has been a bit under the weather so we have spent most days this week curled up on the couch watching movies, she loves to see Santa. I have a feeling this year will be an exciting Christmas around our house. We got some snow from Hurricane Sandy earlier in the week and ever since we have been in the Holiday spirit. If it wasn't so early we would most likely already have the tree up and decorated, but for now I am trying to hold off on the tree decorations.

Even though she has not been feeling so great I did manage to get in a quick 30 minute workout, before she woke up this morning. For breakfast we had fresh strawberries and blueberries. Blueberries are a great source of vitamin but also helps with infections. Thankfully after eating her favorite breakfast and a few hours of cuddle time Kenna is feeling better.

 I always keep fresh food in the house, I seldom even buy the frozen meals anymore. It seems that several of the meals that I have gotten in the past usually hurt Kenna's tummy. We live  on my parents farm in eastern KY, which is a hoot for Kenna. She loves to be able to see the turkey's, deer, and cattle. When it is not to cold outside we go get the mail, well the nuts have fallen from the tree between the house and our mailbox. One day we seen a squirrel gathering nuts, when it spotted us it ran up the tree. Ever since then Kenna has gathered nuts up and put them in piles at the bottom of the tree  for the squirrel. I couldn't imagine raising my daughter anywhere else, just not sure I could show her all of the simple things in life that I had learned growing up in the country on a farm in a big city.

So here is my question for those of you that live in a city (not on a farm), how do you go about teaching your children about animals or the "great out doors"?  With Kenna I always point out each animals features or something different about that animal so she will remember it better. 

Thursday, November 1, 2012

In need of Energy?

Next time you say, "I just need 1 more cup of coffee to get e threw the day," or you reach for an energy drink.... an energy "shot" or a caffeinated drink to give you just enough energy to help you make it threw the next few hours. -Do me a favor... inbox me for a price quote on ACE. It lasts so much longer, it is all NATURAL ingredients, (can you say that about the stuff you are drinking??) And I would love to be the person you thank for giving you the experience of trying ACE! parents, students, people who work long shifts, overnight shifts, or long haul truckers, stay at home parents, EVERYONE has days they need ENERGY!! Seriously, we All do, and you know it, lol!! Hit me up :)

Available HERE: (The very BEST Price)

or in smaller quantities message me

“Whatever course you decide upon, there is always someone to tell you that you are wrong. There are always difficulties arising which tempt you to believe that your critics are right. To map out a course of action and follow it to an end requires courage.” ~Ralph Waldo Emerson

Do you have the courage to get to the healthier you?

Get started on the new you today!!!

Nov 1st!!!

Nov 1st!!! Its the start of a new month! Have you started your shopping yet? I'm actually half way done (usually just getting started) big achievement for me. Since I started taking ACE I have had s much more energy, I feel like the energizer bunny! I just keep going without getting tired and I love it! Since I decided to start selling ACE though, I feel financially better to. I can now not stress about waiting till pay day to pick up gifts. Now I am able to actually put money back for a rainy day to splurge when I want.

Being a single mom I always figured I would always have it harder since it is just me supporting my daughter versus her having 2 parents to support her. Don't get me wrong I would love to have someone to lean on for support, but I will take what I got and make lemon aid with it :) Growing up Granny always said "when life throws you lemons make lemon aid with it!" That is exactly what I am doing to!  What I like the most is that I know it will make my daughter a stronger and more amazing woman knowing that she doesn't have to rely on  man to get what she wants in life.
Everything in life is more appreciated if you work hard to get it! 

I look at it the same way with my weight loss! I will be a happier healthier me if I fight to get my body in shape versus having surgery to help me lose the weight. Don't get me wrong I am sure that the weight loss surgery's has helped many, it's just not something for me. I want to feel my fat cry when I sweat!

 5 Foods that burn fat fast!
Apples, Cinnamon, Pine nut, Oats, and Eggs.
ApplesTo keep the pounds at bay, eat an apple–or two–a day. Apples are high in pectin, which binds with water and limits the amount of fat your cells can absorb. Apples are also high in fiber, which makes you feel full; numerous studies have found that eating an apple a half hour to an hour before a meal has the result of cutting the calories of the meal. Recent research suggests eating apples has other benefits, too; the antioxidants in apples appear to prevent metabolic syndrome, the combination of high cholesterol, high blood pressure, and prediabetes that tends to accompany thickening around the waist.

CinnamonOkay, so it’s not exactly a food, it’s a spice, but so much the better; it doesn’t add calories, while helping you burn fat. According to a recent study of diabetics, cinnamon appears to have the power to help your body metabolize sugar. Eating as little as 1/4 to 2 teaspoons of cinnamon a day was found to reduce blood sugar levels and cut cholesterol from 10 to 25 percent. So add cinnamon to smoothies, sprinkle it on your cereal, or flavor your coffee with it.

Pine nutsRich in heart-healthy fatty acids, particularly the aptly named pinolenic acid, pine nuts have been found to boost levels of the so-called “satiety hormone,” ghrelin, which signals your brain that you’re full. When ghrelin levels are high, not only do you not feel hungry, you’re more able to resist cravings. According to studies done in Korea, a big producer of pine nuts, these same fatty acids have been shown to prevent the formation of belly fat, considered the most dangerous kind. In another report on foods that help you lose weight, I discuss almonds, which have many of the same benefits as pine nuts.

OatsWrongly tarred with the “carb” brush, oats are a whole grain, and are high in soluble fiber, so they cut cholesterol and blood fat. They’re also high on what nutritionists call the “satiety index,” meaning oats have tremendous power to make you feel full. Oats digest slowly, so they don’t raise your blood sugar, and they keep you feeling filled up well into the late morning. Oatmeal is, oddly enough, one of the best foods to help you sleep, as well. Old-fashioned steel-cut and rolled oats, with up to 5 grams of fiber per serving, are best, but even instant oatmeal has 3 to 4 grams of fiber per serving.

EggsIn case you hadn’t heard, eggs have been rehabilitated. In fact, nutritionists wish those warnings about the dangers of eggs had never been issued.  Because they’re a concentrated form of animal protein without the added fat that comes with meat, eggs are a nutritional powerhouse and the perfect way to start your day with a “bang” of energy. (And they’re fine, at least in moderation, for those restricting cholesterol, too.) Dietary studies have repeatedly found that when people eat an egg every morning in addition to (or instead of) toast or cereal, they lose twice as much weight as those who eat a breakfast that’s dominated by carbs.

Don't let life or anyone in your life stop you from reaching your goals! You CAN achieve your goals! Start Today on being were you want to be Tomorrow :) You will thank yourself tomorrow!

Have you decided to find the new Healthier you? Then get ready, the New you is waiting to show off!

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Top 10 Reasons We Need To Drink Water!

Clark Bartram takes us  through his top ten reasons we need to drink  water and the top ten  reasons to consume water instead of soda. 

  • Top 10 Reasons We Need To Drink Water!
  1. Water   is the substance of life. Life can not exist without water. We must   constantly be adding fresh water to our body in order to keep it   properly hydrated. Water can be a miracle cure for many common ailments   such as headaches, fatigue, joint pain, and much more. We can go for   weeks without food, but only 3 days without water!

  2. The   body is comprised of 80% water. Water makes up nearly 85 percent of your   brain, about 80 percent of your blood and about 70 percent of your  lean  muscle. (Because there are a lot of tissues that have less water,  the  average is about 50 percent.).

  3. It is difficult for  the  body to get water from any other source than water itself. Soft  drinks  and alcohol steal tremendous amounts of water from the body.  Other  beverages such as coffee and tea are diuretics therefore stealing   precious water from the body.

  4. Water plays a vital role   in nearly every bodily function. Lack of water is the #1 trigger of   daytime fatigue. A mere 2% drop in body water can trigger fuzzy   short-term memory, trouble with basic math, and difficulty focusing on   the computer screen or on a printed page.

  5. Water is   essential for proper digestion, nutrient absorption and chemical   reactions. The carbohydrates and proteins that our bodies use as food   are metabolized and transported by water in the bloodstream. No less   important is the ability of water to transport waste material out of our   bodies.

  6. Water is essential for proper circulation in   the body. The levels of oxygen in the bloodstream are greater when the   body is well hydrated. The more oxygen the body has readily available   the more fat it will burn for energy without the presence of oxygen the   body cannot utilize stored fat for energy efficiently. Not only will  the  body burn more fat when well hydrated but because there are  increased  oxygen levels you will also have more energy.

  7. Water   helps remove toxins from the body, in particular from the digestive   tract. Water suppresses the appetite naturally and helps the body   metabolize stored fat. Studies have shown that a decrease in water   intake will cause fat deposits to increase, while an increase in water   intake can actually reduce fat deposits.
    In 37% of Americans, the   thirst mechanism is so weak that it is often mistaken for hunger. One   glass of water shut down midnight hunger pangs for almost 100% of the   dieters studied in a University of Washington study.

  8. Water   regulates the body's cooling system. Sports drinks are useful when   consumed after or during vigorous and prolonged exercise in high heat.   But most experts agree that water works better than carbohydrates or   sugared beverages for moderate exercise. For instance, if you drink 12   ounces of plain water, your body will absorb 8 ounces of it within 15   minutes.
    If you drink 12 ounces of a 10% sugar solution, less than 1   ounce will be absorbed in the same period. The typical soft drink is a   10 to 12% sugar solution.

  9. Consistent failure to   drink enough water can lead to Chronic Cellular Dehydration. This   condition where the body's cell are never quite hydrated enough leave   them in a weakened state, vulnerable to attack from disease. It weakens   the body's overall immune system and leads to chemical, nutritional and   pH imbalances that can cause a host of diseases.

  10. Dehydration   can occur at any time of the year, not only during the summer months   when it is hot. The dryness that occurs during winter can dehydrate the   body even quicker than when it is hot. When you are dehydrated you tend   to eat more.
General Rule: Due  to the  fact that every body is different, the rule we often hear about   drinking 8-8oz. of water per day can be misleading. We need to drink   half our body weight in ounces of water every day to provide the body   with its MINIMUM water replacement requirements. Triple the intake for   better results.

Top 10 Reasons To Consume Water Instead Of Soft Drinks!
  1. Soft   drinks steal water from the body. They work very much like a diuretic   which takes away more water than it provides to the body. Just to   process the high levels of sugar in soft drinks steals a considerable   amount of water from the body.
    To replace the water stolen by soft   drinks, you need to drink 8-12 glasses of water for every one glass of   soft drinks that you consume!

  2. Soft Drinks never   quench your thirst, certainly not your body's need for water. Constantly   denying your body an adequate amount can lead to Chronic Cellular   Dehydration, a condition that weakens your body at the cellular level.   This, in turn, can lead to a weakened immune system and a plethora of   diseases.

  3. The elevated levels of phosphates in soft   drinks leach vital minerals from your body. Soft Drinks are made with   purified water that also leach vital minerals from your body. A severe   lack of minerals can lead to Heart Disease (lack of magnesium),   Osteoporosis (lack of calcium) and many other diseases. Most vitamins   can not perform their function in the body without the presence of   minerals.

  4. Soft Drinks can remove rust from a car bumper   or other metal surfaces. Imagine what it's doing to your digestive  tract  as well as the rest of your body.

  5. The high  amounts of  sugar in Soft Drinks causes your pancreas to produce an  abundance of  insulin, which leads to a "sugar crash". Chronic elevation  and depletion  of sugar and insulin can lead to diabetes and other  imbalance related  diseases. This is particularly disruptive to growing  children which can  lead to life-long health problems.

  6. Soft  Drinks severely  interfere with digestion. Caffeine and high amounts of  sugar virtually  shut down the digestive process. That means your body  is essentially  taking in NO nutrients from the food you may have just  eaten, even that  eaten hours earlier.
    Consumed with french-fries which can take WEEKS to digest, there is arguably nothing worse a person can put in their body.

  7. Diet   soft drinks contain Aspartame, which has been linked to depression,   insomnia, neurological disease and a plethora of other illness. The FDA   has received more than 10,000 consumer complaints about Aspartame,   that's 80% of all complaints about food additives.

  8. Soft   Drinks are EXTREMELY acidic, so much so that they can eat through the   liner of an aluminum can and leach aluminum from the can if it sits on   the shelf too long. Alzheimer patients who have been autopsied ALL have   high levels of aluminum in their brains. Heavy metals in the body can   lead to many neurological and other diseases.

  9. Soft   Drinks are EXTREMELY acidic: The human body naturally exists at a pH of   about 7.0. Soft Drinks have a pH of about 2.5, which means you are   putting something into your body that is hundred of thousands of times   more acidic that your body is!
    Diseases flourish in an acidic   environment. Soft Drinks and other acidic food deposit acid waste in the   body which accumulates over time in the joints and around the organs.
    For example, the Body pH of cancer or arthritis patients are always low. The sicker the person, the lower the Body pH.

  10. Soft   Drinks are the WORSE THING you can possibly put in your body. Don't   even think of taking a sip of a Soft Drink when you are sick with a   cold, flu or something worse. It will only make it that much harder for   your body to fight the illness.

Saturday, October 27, 2012

If she can, why can't you?

I have always tried to look at life like a game off Rook. It is how you play this game of life that determines the outcome that you get!
In the last few years I have seen more of my classmates from high school around town, at work, etc and some look the same as in school others that used to be tiny has really packed on the weight, and of course a few that was bigger (as in not tiny, but not huge by any means) have really slimmed down. I find it odd that the ones that was tiny in school are just as snooty as in school yet they act like they are better cause they think they are still small. The ones that have slimmed down and look great of course I had to ask how they have did it. One said she just doesn't eat sugar, I suppose that means she doesn't eat anything that she used to put sugar in or any sweets either. Another just said she counts her calories daily and exercises.
I took the advice of counting calories and exercising and did not really see any change. It was weird since I would eat the same amount of calories, no sweets and few carbs too, and still would lose one week and gain the next. It made no sense to me. When I started taking ACE I noticed I was losing lbs and inches both and have yet to see any of it back the next week. Keep in mind I am eating the same way now that I was for the year before starting ACE that gave me no results. So why would it be that it has changed now??

ACE is a capsule that you take 6 out of 7 days a week for weight loss. If you are only seeking the energy boost you would either take it on days you need the energy boost or 7 days a week. ACE is all natural, it gives you a clean boost of energy, curbs your appetite, and helps speed up you metabolism.
The boost of energy is considered clean, because it does not give you the racing heart or jitters like with energy drinks. ACE curbs your appetite so that you are not craving food all day. For me I am not as hungry, I still eat what I want. I just honestly don't want junk food, I want better tasting food, an actual meal. You do want to make sure you eat every 4-5 hours or so, because your body needs food for energy. It also speeds up your metabolism, so what you eat will not be turned to stored fat instead it turns to energy to fuel your body's needs, You only take ACE 6 days a week so that your body is learning to speed up your metabolism up on its own.

Friday, October 26, 2012

The best things in life ARE worth the wait!

Don't settle for less then YOU deserve!

ACE diet supplements

Ace diet supplements contain natural herbs that help speed up the weight loss process. They contain natural ingredients such as cocoa and caffeine. Together these ingredients help a person have more energy and the ability to engage in strenuous workouts on a daily basis.

One of the main benefits of the ace supplement is that it helps reduce the amount of food a person consumes. A person will feel hungry less often after taking an ace supplement. An ace diet supplement also helps a person curb his or her cravings. If a person has a tendency to crave certain foods, then an ace diet supplement will help a person to get rid of the tendency to crave these foods. Users of this diet supplement often report that they have a reduced craving for carbohydrates as a result of consumption.

By reducing the amount of carbs that a person consumes in a given day, he or she can easily start shedding the pounds. Eating carbohydrates is one of the worst ways that people start to gain weight. Carbs are like useless bits of fat that add up in a person’s caloric intake for the day. They do not convert to useful energy that can be easily burned off, which is why dietitians recommend swearing off carbs during a diet program.

After you steadily consume ace supplements for a few weeks, you will notice that you feel healthier and more alive. You will feel lighter and appreciate your confidence and new slim body.

Loving your Body

When ever I get in a rut I read this :)

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Life in the Fast Lane

It seems like today has flown by. Loved the day off work, but just seems like there is always so much to do in such a small amount of time.
Had a doctor appointment today for my feet. I found out in 08 that I have spurs in the arch of my feet, it does make it painful being on my feet for long periods of time, but I have to work. I have to support Kenna and I. A few months back I started working in a local gas station, granted its not the greatest job, but its better then nothing. Huge pay difference then what I was making at the factory, but with how this economy is its a paycheck. Anyways, my Dr is going to be in contact with my insurance trying to see if they cover a custom night splint for me to wear, she says that this will help with my feet feeling frozen or locked. Ever watched Forrest Gump? Do you remember how when he was young and the boys in the truck was picking on him and she says to "Run Forrest, Run!" Well seeing the braces break off his legs, well that is about how it feels for me when I walk (not all of the time, but more then it should be).
We got a little shopping in while we was out running errands and going to the Dr. I have already started my Christmas shopping, only have a few things I want to get for Kenna still. Everything else is either stored away or should be delivered any day now. Kenna loves Minnie Mouse so I am debating on getting her a Minnie Mouse bike (which is like $70) or if I can find a reasonably priced stuffed Minnie Mouse and a cheaper bike (bike is $40 at Wal-Mart). I figured out the hard way to bargain hunt, not that I didn't hunt for bargains when I had a better paying job, just that its hard to live on a minimum wage job and when I get sells versus having a good paying job.
We usually go to my parents daily, unless we are sick. Today we went to Mom and Dads, we got a little riding in. Kenna loves to go riding, doesn't matter where we go so long as she can go she doesn't care. She loves to get to see the cattle, horses, deer, and turkeys. The deer has to be her favorite!
I try to take a walk a few days a week for 30 mins to an hr, I was walking 5-7 days a week before I started working. With being on my feet for so long at work it is just to rough until I can get the pain to go away in my feet. So since I started working I have been doing some strength toning daily if I can but at least 3-5 days a week. I try to do 150-200 crunches and leg lifts, also using weights to strengthen my arms since I have noticed they look rather 'flabby' looking. I do my exercises in the mornings before breakfast, so that I feel refreshed and ready to start my day. This morning though we didn't really get in breakfast since I had to be at the Dr so early. Well it was 10:30 so yeah that may not be early to most, but for us we are usually up by 8 or 9 each day, but seldom leave the house before 1-2 PM. I noticed when I started work that if we leave earlier then that Kenna will throw a fit saying "NO Work Mommy! No Go!" Only reason I got her out of the house this morning is cause she knows we was going to go shopping and she could get a toy.  I did get Kenna some grapes and strawberries in her travel bowl for her breakfast, then I fixed me a shake with Vanilla ToppFast. I used fresh strawberries (only a few though Kenna loves her stawys), Pineapple juice, ice, and Vanilla ToppFast. Blended it in and ran out the door.  I have a time keeping my shakes from Kenna though, she says they are her juice. I am going to have to start making her shakes to, maybe then I will get to drink my own. LOL with her probably not though!